So, this is a bit of a change up from crystal castles. But these next two tracks are gonna be pretty successful this summer i would imagine. And to be fair, they are big tracks. Subsequently, they may well be ripped down, altho they are both are at 192.
So yh. Something more commercial for the ibiza gurners out there.....
Now i know everyone has been posting up their new stuff with the album leak etc, which has subsequently brought forward the release date. But i love em, so i cant resist a post up myself. Plus, this Vietnam track is pretty immense.
Its great to hear them back and also a welcome change up from the basslines and Disco, that ive been posting up so far.
New CC's, new Uffie, Justice and Klaxons round the corner....hmmm like the old days. (of 3 years ago...)
The new Crystal castles record has leaked, so go find it. And go buy it, when its out. And has a name... Crystal Castles 2 seems to be sticking....meh. As if album titles actually matter.....
However, im jumping the gun. Cuz thatll be next post.
Today feels like summer. Coachella (and its ridiculously impecable lineup) came round quick and whilst i'm nowhere near cali, its still pretty damn hot.
So, a song that is all about sun and festivals for me. Seven and a half minutes of summery perfection.
This is really quite late, but uhhh, better than never? dont know, dont care. Leechers...
Anyways. I like the original from Goldfrapp, but this remix makes it a little bit better. Pure pop disco stuff, but curiously addictive, nonetheless... Goldfrapp - Rocket (Grum remix)
Now i like Grum. A lot. Seen him live many times, been following his progression for ages and love most of his remixes. So i'm not gonna post his song up for free. However, saying all that, i dont actually like this track much. Far too close to funky house for my liking. Actually probably is funky house, but cant bring myself to say it.....